Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Media: Main Cause of Globalization

Prior to the introduction to mass media and satellite, cultures from around the world were impacted only by individuals migrating from one region to another bringing with them parts of their own culture from home. As mass media and social wealth have been introduced throughout the world, media has played a key role in transforming, modifying and creating culture globally.

From the early days of Globalization with the introduction of Coca Cola (the most recognized brand name in the world) to the end of communism (introduction of McDonald’s in Russia) and finally the development of the internet and satellite streaming images and information throughout the globe. Media has been responsible for bringing cultural changes from being regional to worldwide. Globalization throughout the world has greatly impacted perceptions, style, democratic views as well as social acceptance among other cultures beyond one’s one. Society can now relate and understand other cultures because of the amount of media through outlets such as internet, television, radio, and newspapers including worldly issues. This bombardment of media allows people to view aspects of the world unlike their own and gain a greater understanding of other cultures thereby removing humanity’s innate fear of the unknown allowing aspects of that culture to be intertwined with their own.

An example of globalization would be the export of hockey from North America to be throughout the world including climates that are traditionally warmer and regions that would not house cold weather sports. This shows the influence that media has within regions to make changes based on knowledge and interest from places other than their own.

As we continue to move forward and cultures adapt and amalgamate within each other, it is fair to argue that there will be a general reduction in nationalism and a greater global community where regional traditions are lost and global customs are formed.

By Carolyn Gregory

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