Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Communication and Advertising.

Advertising has been around for a long time. Advertising is a form of mass communication. Advertisements deliver its messages to millions of people at once, whether they are on billboards, in magazines, or on television- they are everywhere. The goal of an advertisement is for companies to promote their products in such a way that will catch the consumers eye, and make them want to by it.

Over the past decade, companies, especially clothing companies, have discovered the effect that sex appeal has on its audience. Sex is a number one selling point, and it is used to lure a persons eye onto an advertisement. For example advertisements for Abercrombie and Fitch use naked models to sell their clothes. Sometimes the clothes aren't even evident in these advertisements, however they real in consumers, and their company is skyrocketing. Commercial advertisements for People's jewelry are generally sexual as well.

The sexual advertisements that are seen today would NOT have been socially acceptable in the generation of our grandparents and even our parents generation. Companies aren't just selling their product to their customers, they are also selling sex. The majority of these audiences are youth and young adults which causes even more of a problem. People wonder why kids are having sex at such a young age, but how can they help it when it is all around them? Its shoved in their face from television commercials, to movies, to magazine ads and so on. When did sex appeal become socially acceptable to use in advertisements? How do you feel about this??

By: Krystal Knopf

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