Monday, November 30, 2009

I Wonder If Redneck Translates...

So, the reading "Villains, Victims and Heroes" made me begin to think about how people view other societies. There is no doubt in my mind that there are a select number of people who after 9/11 view everyone from the Middle East as terrorists. Now, this obviously isn't the case but you can't change the minds of the ignorant too easily I imagine. But what I am really getting at with this post is how people on the other side of the world view North Americans. I believe it was Russell Peters who pointed out the fact that whenever terrorist gangs and whatnot are shown on the news, we all assume that the entire population of that country beaves in the same manor, when in reality, those are like the 'rednecks' of that region. I am so curious to know what the vision on the news is of Canadians and Americans. If it is anything to do with trailers, shot guns and mullets, I am pretty ashamed.

In fact, Russell Peters (again) has a short piece in one of his acts about the 'White Canadian Accent' and the people who don't realize that they have them. He describes it as a 'matter-of-fact' bobble head.

If that is how the rest of the world sees Canadians, again, I am pretty ashamed. He makes it seem pretty ridiculous. He also talks about how his very Indian father gets upset because a woman answers her phone but cannot speak English. I find this hilarious because in this situation he descirbes his dad as turning into a redneck.

I am hoping that this isn't the view the world has on us, if so, things need to change.

Ashley Rickards

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