Monday, September 21, 2009

The Tweeting Population

With Twitter being the newest most commonly used technology since email, the world is changing place. Whether it’s out of boredom or to spread the word, it seems like everyone’s tweeting about something these days. It’s even gotten to the point where there are terms for what it’s called when one sends a twitter message (they tweet). So does that make one who twitters a twit?

Celebrities, daytime talk shows, news channels, and plain everyday folk use it. TV shows encourage their viewers to follow them to get all of the latest news and see who’s going to be on the show next. Celebrities tell people when they’re eating a sandwich, going on a talk show or put rumours to rest. Plain folk like us talk about life, when we’re shopping, who we’re with, what the weather’s like...isn’t that giving away too much information? According to twitter it’s not, we’re all just answering a simple rhetorical question “what are you doing?” but it’s much more than that. We’re all slaves to know what each other is doing. With an expected 10,000,000 users on twitter by 2010, people will be addicted to twitter. It will become as much a part of our way of communicating and culture as texting and facebooking. We are developing into a society that does not rely on word of mouth, but relying on text alone; how will this affect our social interactions?

With the emergence of technologies such as twitter, we are losing face-to-face interaction more and more everyday which is a detriment to society.

- Emily Morris


  1. Your last paragraph highlights an interesting point about lost face-to-face interaction. However, I think it’s entirely possible that Twitter has helped users connect with people that they would have otherwise never had direct communication with.

    Celebrity Twitter users (twits? haha), for example, are among the most followed users. The appeal to fans is clear; one gets instantaneous updates directly from the source. This was something that was simply not possible in the past.

    -Lesley McLelland

  2. I believe our society has become very reliant on technology as a use of communication as Twitter effects this greatly. Twitter as mentioned above gives a status update. Instead of individuals meeting up with other individuals we seem to have become lazy in the sense that we check technology to see what our friends are doing instead of first asking them.

    By: Amanda Burns
