Monday, October 19, 2009

Hilarious Enemy to the Usual Corporate Media

We all know that most of the media we consume on a daily basis is heavily 'guarded' and regulated by the bodies which facilitate its release. Most of these facilitators are large-scale corporation with one thing -power. So who might you ask is the hilarious enemy to these firms, well his name is Michael Moore.

If you are unaware, Moore is the famous director, producer and writer of documentaries such as Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 and my current favourite, Sicko. Although, once I get to see Capitalism: A Love favourite might change.

This film- Sicko (who has reached millions) is a hilarious expose on the American health care system and a documentation of a quest to find a way to right the wrongs. The film starts off with heart-breaking & real stories about Americans struggling to communicate with their HMO's. One man was denied payment of treatment of a malignant cancer due to its "experimental' nature even though it was used successfully on several other patients at the same hospital. Another woman lost her young daughter to heart failure because she was told by her HMO to transfer her by CAR (not via ambulance) to another hospital where it had contracts. And finally one woman speaks out about how the cost of her ambulance ride (from the site of an EMERGENCY where she was UNCONSCIOUS)was not covered because the cost was pre-approved. These are all examples of stories which may not have made the news due any degree of media control to protect the face of the insurance companies.

Moore then travels to places with an apparent 'socialist' view towards health care such as Canada, the UK and France. Upon interview with the recipients of health care from such places, Moore received laughter at the fact that Americans had to 'pay' for their children before leaving the hospital. It was also widely agreed that residents were satisfied with the service they received from this universal care. Again, much of this coverage may not have been aired on regular programming as to 'shelter' Americans from information which may lead them to change their opinion.

However the BEST part by far is when Moore takes three 9/11 heroes (who were denied payment to care needed due to injuries suffered in hero-type duty) to the only place in 'America' with universal care - Guantanamo Bay. The inmates here all receive fast and free care as needed. Moore boats up to the gates and uses his megaphone to exclaim "I have heroes from 9/11 here who need some health care. We only want as much as the terrorists, not more." He gets no response other than the sound of wailing alarms. I am positive the government loved that this was shown to millions via movie theatre, DVD and Internet. Sucks for you.

Ashley Rickards

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