Friday, October 23, 2009

Music Culture and the IPod

There is many new and improved technologies dealing with the music industry that are impacting our culture in so many different ways. Our culture today is being bombarded with new forms of technology in order to improve on other products or make something obsolete. Music first began with the basic record then improved to the CD, then the MP3 players and this leads us to the hottest product on the market right now which is the IPod. Even the IPod has upgraded since it was first released and technology is still coming up with ideas to improve the music culture. So this leaves us with the questions, “what’s next?” What technological idea will make the IPod obsolete and have everyone wanting the coolest item on the market?

The IPod is still considered the hottest music toy on the market today and the company is still coming out with new ideas for the IPod, such as the most recent video application. This new idea is more than just for the music culture this allows our IPod to also act as a camera. “When is enough, enough?” A lot of people wonder if it is really necessary to have video added to our IPod, since everyone has cameras anyways. But others see it as being easier and more efficient, with everything being held in one music machine. The IPod has done a lot of the music culture over the past years and is still the top seller on the market. The IPod has become an extension of the human body and has affected a lot of different senses. The IPod is an extension of the ears, the eyes since there is a screen on most IPods and also your fingers or hands when dealing with changing songs. Even though the newer IPods are sill affecting and contributing to our society today, the original IPod also had many applications in order to stay busy. There is a lot more than just listening to music. You can play games, set alarms, tell the time and share photos. Unfortunately, this was not enough for the music culture and the IPod is being improved and advancing music to much more.

Overall, since our society is still changing and technology is still being enhanced all over the world, it will continue to affect us and the environment we live in. The IPod is a prime example of how the music culture has impacted our lives and has upgraded with better applications in order to keep customers satisfied and stay number one on the market. The question still remains, “what’s next?” What will be invented that is better than the IPod and will become the next hottest product in the music industry? How will this affect our society and will there always continue to be enhanced or new products being invented?


1 comment:

  1. I don't think there will be anything next that will override the iPod. The iPod has everything you can possibly think of: video, camera, radio, calculator, music, and don't forget it's sleek, design.

    - Lisa Sit
