Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ritual Communication as manipulation - Christianity

For some reason, I feel compelled to write something about the Bible, because it has been on my mind. Since Christianity and other religions relate to ritual communications, I will discuss how ritual communication can be used as a form of manipulation, and how it has affected Christianity.

First of all, ritual communication involves the practice of communication as a community, engaging in daily activities and routines which do not necessarily develop culture, but sustain it. This can be compared to Christianity, and other religions, because it is a constant perpetuation of the same biblical text, and the same biblical phrases, which are recited over and over. A lie told many times, will become the truth, and this has happened with Christianity.

Christianity was used by powerful men to control others. In earlier years of Christianity, it performed violent crusades, and tortured those that did not want to believe in the religion. Many of the scholars in that time were pressured to write religious texts, and forced to provide evidence for Christianity. Christianity has even destroyed evidence of other Pagan religions, which pre-dates Jesus. By preserving evidence and destroying others, the future generations of religious people are bound to believe in the same texts. This form of self-preservation leads to the development of an entire community of people that are taming themselves. It can be compared to domestic sheeps and cows.

As technology develops, and as people become smarter and more informed, more and more evidence accumulates, which suggests that Christianity has been nothing more than a hoax. Recent evidence suggests that all religions are related in some way, and ultimately traces back to Ancient Egypt. Christianity, especially the deity Jesus, shares many relationship to other religious deities, (e.g. Mithra) such as the day they were born, virgin birth, the three kings, etc. The new theory behind religion is that they all share an astrological origin. The original deity of worship, which spawned other religious figures, was actually the Sun. Of course, this is a new and controversial theory, which many religious scholars denies to be the truth. But being in the perpetuated community of ritual practices, they cannot break free of their biblical teachings, and cannot imagine life without it. Therefore they fight to preserve it, because this ritual practice defines their culture, and their community. Christianity, with a pure incentive in the beginning, as a worship of the sun, eventually grew into a method of manipulation, and self-preservation, which has caused much pain and misery.

More about the astrological theories defined in this paragraph, you can read about it here:

Here's a video explaining the new theory of religion. It is taken from a part of the movie: Zeitgeist, a controversial film depicting religion, economy, and social problems. Kinda like a Michael Moore film but much, much more serious. There are three parts if you wish to watch them all, but just give it a watch. It's pretty interesting.

Relating it back to ritual communication model, ritual communication can be used as a good way to preserve culture, but it can sometimes limit people as well. Those that are so enveloped in the ritual community of Christianity refuses to accept information that may challenge their beliefs. This would challenge their way of life, and their purpose. We have to realize that ritual communication can be a good method forming a community, however, we cannot allow it to limit our thoughts.

Posted by: Henry Huang


  1. I would have to agree with your view that the ritual aspect of Chrisitianity has removed the need for rationalization of the various theologies and teachings passed down to its followers. The masses have turned a blind eye to many of its practices due to the mere fact that the majority as accepted its thoughts as truth. I also agree that individuals have become smarter and more critical which has led to many religious heavyweights and leaders being exposed for their hypocrisy. With shows such as the Passionate Eye taking out the time seek answers for the public, figures like Benny Hinn have been forced to reform their practices to be more transparent. While this is not the main solution to such issues, it is a step in the right direction.

    -Sammy Kyereme

  2. Absolutely. the people who know about the hidden perils of manipulative religious groups should act on their beliefs. We need to try and convince these people to believe in facts and scientific evidence, instead of religious worship that contributes nothing to society. I hope that proper education is the key to solving this problem.

    - Henry Huang

  3. While I agree that religion, in particular Christianity, naturally seems to shift towards using ritual and ritual communication to control people, it is important not to single out religion as the only thing that is infested with this hypocrisy. All human institutions are flawed and before long become nothing more than huge mad beasts doing whatever it takes to maintain control. Government, Science, Arts, politics, or even environmentalism can do the exact same thing as we see religion doing. Education is key, along with constant self examination, to ensure that any institution does not become an idol or a crutch or anything that we blindly follow without thinking critically. This is necessary, most obviously for religion, because we have seen what evil it can cause. But it is just as necessary for other institutions such as science and government in order to prevent a similar set of circumstances leading to a similar set of situations.

    Ben Biel

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with you Ben, and I do understand that Christianity alone is not the only source of manipulation in this world. But it is one of the oldest, and the most powerful institutions so far, which utilizes this method of control. People also become very sensitive when religion is questioned, as if the inquirer was judging their life and purpose. On the other hand, someone questions a scientific method, and it automatically becomes an academic inquiry, and does not have an emotional attachment as compared to questioning religion.

