Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Infinite Culture

As Communication technologies get more and more efficient, the term culture is being more frequently used. Culture is usually thought of in terms of groups connected through location, but culture is not that simple to pin down. There are infinite cultures existing on Earth today and every one of us is part of many of them. The culture you are in at the moment drives the way you think, act, feel and communicate and as you go about your day you pass through countless different cultures, whether it is your house, your neighborhood, your class, your school…every one of those is its own culture with sub-cultures running through it. The vast scope of how many different cultures exist is difficult to comprehend, there are infinite things that affect culture and therefore there are infinite cultures.

This concept is not what I was originally planning to write about for this post, my original plan was to write about the culture I observed while working in a factory in Markham. I began by listing the different aspects that existed in that culture and the reasons those behaviors developed such as the way we would verbally communicate because of the noise level within the factory. After writing down several aspects and potential reasons I realized that while we were on lunch break the culture completely changed. Suddenly it was no longer loud, there was air conditioning, we were not working but relaxing, the culture had completely changed and along with it, our behavior, yet we were still in the same building with the same people.

It was at this point that I realized just how many cultures we smoothly transitioned through in a single work day. Our culture changed with the time of day, when the bosses were around, when we were busy, when we were not… The quantity of factors and resulting cultures in only 8 hours was staggering to comprehend.

I am writing about this now simply because I find it to be extremely interesting and I believe others will as well. Every person shifts through infinite cultures every day, changing their behavior along with them without even being aware it is happening, it is an excellent way to exhibit the amazing power of the human mind.

-Kevin Johnson

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Kevin when you said that the culture that we are immersed in drives our behaviour and how we think, feel and act. This relates to what we have been discussing in Advanced Writing and Editting as well as we discussed in that class how the receiver of a message affects what type of language that we use.

    Culture plays a very central role in our day to day behaviours however it is something that is somewhat natural to us. People do not consciously think about what culture they are entering into when they walk into a classroom or arrive at work. It is interesting to think that we are able to fit into the cultures that are necessary in our daily lives.

    This being said there are definitely certain cultures that some find more comfortable with others, as they are able to find themselves naturally fitting into that particular culture. Other times however, being able to feel like apart of a certain culture takes effort and is uncomfortable.

    I thought that your post was really interesting and made me think about all of the cultures that I come in contact with each day.

    - Alyssa Higginson
